
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Best3Concepts Web Site To Debut On FreeServers Network

Word of mouth seems to be letting the secret out quickly. Best3Concepts has been very happy with for 5 years and hopes to stay with FreeServers to take advantage of new features.

(Richmond, Virginia) -- Best3Concepts is taking advantage of the free web space and web site building tools offered at by Yvonne Best, President and owner of Best3Concepts, created “The Real Solution" in 2001. The site is devoted specifically to home-based business solutions, advertising/marketing resources, and shopping.

Best3Concepts provides marketing techniques for website promotion that includes superior Internet business opportunities and high tech marketing concepts with training tools for optimum success. Best3 chose FreeServers for web site hosting because of the ease of use in building and managing the web site using the File Manager and Web Builder Templates. FreeServers also offers a free voice mail that is used for business purposes (804.381.6863) and Web Ring services.

Best3Concepts, like many small businesses, families, and individuals, is turning to free web providers like FreeServers to easily and quickly establish an Internet presence without the traditional expenses and risks involved in building a web site. Not only does FreeServers charge no monthly fees for free custom domain names, but FreeServers also provides tools that enable anyone, regardless of experience or Internet savvy, to create a professional-looking web site in minutes. They can then easily update and add cool new features to their site from month to month without having to pay a professional web design company or ISP's high design, hosting, and maintenance fees.

Best3Concepts is offering Free Vacations to the first 1000 visitors to the site. There is plenty of secure Internet shopping at, Macys, Wal-Mart Online, Blair, J C Penny’s, with Secure Online Payment Options.

At a time when good domain names are becoming scarce, Best3Concepts was able to choose a domain name that fit the content of "The Real Solution" by utilizing the free "custom domain names," which lets members include their own name or business name right in the URL. Savvy business owners like Best3Concepts have already established their web spaces on FreeServers, and the word has been spreading fast.

All anyone has to do is go to, fill out a quick sign up form, and then start building a web site.

Word of mouth seems to be letting the secret out quickly. FreeServers currently offers members custom domain names, and a host of site building and promotion tools all with no setup fee and no monthly charges. Best3Concepts has been very happy with the service for over five years and hopes to stay with FreeServers to take advantage of new features as they become available. The owner, Yvonne Best, encourages other Richmond businesses that want to own a web site to use FreeServers, as well.

Now a veteran at using the FreeServers website tools, Best3Concepts is willing to share knowledge and experience with other Richmond businesses that are interested in building their own web sites.

"The Real Solution" will officially launch on Monday, September 18, 2006. Best3Concepts invites all Richmond area residents to come and help celebrate the launch! Check out the great advertising and marketing resources, home-based businesses and shopping related content on the web site. To go to "The Real Solution", simply click
For those interested in creating a FreeServers web site right away, click

Yvonne Best

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